I’m a Counsellor, Life Coach, Author, Intuitive, Energy Healer and mama to three gorgeously wild children.
I love feelings… and I mean LOVE them. All aspects. I’m super curious about humans, how our minds, and more importantly, our hearts work.
I’ve been on my own healing journey throughout motherhood. It’s been a complex history of depression, anxiety, PTSD, grief and loss and children with neuro-diversity. Every part of our story has led me to this point, having a deep inner knowing that I wanted to help other women heal themselves.
I felt like I was failing at motherhood and I didn’t know the woman I was anymore. I felt shocked at how different the reality of motherhood was to my expectation. It was a lonely place to be because I was certain no one else was having these feelings - no one said anything and everyone looked happy (albeit tired) and coping. Everyone seemed to have it together… except me.
Over the years after lots of support, therapy and education I’ve realised so many things about myself, the story of motherhood we have been told and how so many of the issues I had could be healed.
Through Conscious Motherhood and Self-Embodiment practices I have learnt to…
Accept ALL of the motherhood journey as normal and valid. Not just thinking of the good bits and leaving the rest out.
Practice self-love and compassion, especially in my darkest or most difficult moments.
Normalise ALL feelings. There are no such thing as good or bad feelings and that moment there, is so liberating!
Let go of guilt, shame and resentment
Shift the stories of not good enough, I should, I must
Prioritise my needs, desires and dreams as a woman, equally as I do those I love
Use incredible self-healing and support strategies for my nervous system, mindfulness and mental wellbeing that have changed my outlook completely
We can rewrite this story in a way that feels good and aligned for each of us.
We no longer have to sacrifice one aspect of self, because we were always the woman before the mother.
Healing ourselves as individuals supports us in being able to be present, connected and emotionally available for our children.
The moment I realised I had been chasing this elusive and unrealisitic role of the mother, one that society feeds us … everything changed.
I started my journey into motherhood in the same way many of us do, doe-eyed and feeling somewhat unsure but confident I would instinctively know what to do. I was bursting at the seams to meet our little one and knew I had tonnes of love, and then some, to make our little human thrive.
But motherhood pulled me in and took me on a journey I was least expecting.
Slowly the cracks began to split under the surface. I was showing the first signs of Post Natal Depression, Anxiety and PTSD yet none of us, least of all me, could see that. I put many of those moments down to a normal part of being a mama, lack of sleep or hormones.
The mum guilt, the self judgement, over analysing decisions, feeling overwhelmed by responsibility, unsure if I was doing it all wrong, questioning my decisions, unrealistic fears about the future, wondering why some days I just wasn’t enjoying being a mum. It was a perpetual cycle I wanted to get out of, but just didn't know how.
Perhaps the hardest part was losing myself amongst it all. The woman I knew myself to be… felt like she was a distant memory.
In my pursuit to survive those hard times in motherhood I let go of so many parts of myself.
Self judgement, guilt and fear became an every day part of our lives. It required me to dig deep and find courage I never knew I had in order to walk out of the darkness and find the light in my life. I was determined to reconnect with myself and be happy again.
Over many years, and many tears, I’ve done the inner work, I’ve faced my fears and I’ve finally found a way in which motherhood feels good.
A way that doesn’t sacrifice one part of myself for the other. A way that honours all parts of me. It takes work every day but I’m here for it - all of it.
Because the alternative isn’t acceptable for me anymore. I want to feel fulfilled, empowered, appreciated and joyful not only for myself but for my family as well. This journey into motherhood has been my awakening, it has shone a light on all the areas of myself that needed love.
It has deconstructed me and resurrected me as I’m sure it has you. We are all going through this experience together and my goal is to shine a light on this transition and how it affects the very essence of who we are.
My own personal experience is what led me into this beautiful work of Counselling, Life Coaching, Group Work and Intuitive Healing. Each session is tailored to your unique needs as I weave tools and learnings from different teachings over the years.
Bachelor Counselling and Psychotherapy (in progress 2025)
Diploma of Counselling
Certified Life Coach
Honouring Heart Circle Facilitator
Reiki Level 2 Practitioner
Certified Angel Messenger
Certified Reiki Level 2 Practitioner
I am a lover of words and have been diving deep into my own learning journey over the years with a special interest in trauma, somatic therapy, inner child work and supporting neuro-divergence and mental health challenges.
A space for you to be seen, heard, understood and validated on your journey as a woman as you navigate motherhood.
In-depth, individual and expansive support that goes beneath the layers, opens spaces for healing and inspires you to begin truly living the life you desire in your heart.
Spaces for learning and increasing our own wisdom and awareness as we balance being a woman alongside our beautiful experience of motherhood.
I totally get it… making decisions that are focused purely on you can feel hard at times. After all, we are so wired to focus on everyone outside of ourselves.
I offer a FREE Discovery Call for women who want to work with me for 3-6 months but need to find out if it’s the right fit first.